Monday, March 2, 2009

Half a dragon....

...I guess my dragon is only half of one since he lacks his flame. I'll be working on his flame tomorrow while watching American Idol. Yes, I admit it, I watch AI.

Poor little dragon with no flame :(

I found a link I thought you might be interested in: Elizabeth Parker sampler at the V&A museum in London. This young lady stitched a sampler detailing her early life. I would love to see this sampler in person one day! LOL Weekend trip to London anyone? ^___^

I'm off to read a few blogs, etc. before getting to bed. Sweet dreams everyone.


  1. Your sampler elements is looking great. I love it! For a project as big as that, you really have some patience. Kudos and keep it up.

  2. I had to get back and ask you. I'm interested in buying your Elements chart when you're done, if it's ok with you.

  3. I've nominated you for a blog award. Please visit my blog Fashion is My Muse today after 10 am EST to claim your award. Have a great day!
