Monday, March 16, 2009

Azaleas for my northern blog friends!

I was going to wait until this weekend to post my pics of our azaleas, but I thought I would post them now just in case I don't get any good pics in Fairhope this Saturday. It has been raining for a while and the azaleas look droopy now :**(

My aunt's beautiful white azaleas!

'Pride of Mobile' azaleas!

Red azaleas!

Pink azaleas ^___^

When I was in Egham in 2007, I missed the azaleas seen through Alabama in the spring, but not to worry because England had some lovely alternatives in rhododendrons and hydrangeas. I'll have to share some photos sometime of the lovely gardens in Egham :)

1 comment:

  1. Nothing like Spring in the Deep South with all of the various colors!
