Unfortunately, alot of my photos came out blurry due to the no-flash setting, but I'll show you what I did manage to get! Hopefully, my friend Bonnie was able to get better photos of the rest of the house. If so, I'll post those photos ^__^
The first house visited was the Richards DAR Museum House on Joachim St. It was built in 1860 and is a beautiful example of Italianate architecture.

In one of the bedrooms was a gorgeous example of a Victorian crazy quilt! I love the stitching between each of the pieces of fabric. It is quite amazing that this quilt has survived the generations.

This quilt was in another bedroom in the house. I'm not sure if it is an original crazy quilt or a modern reproduction as the info card did not mention it.
After seeing the DAR House, we went by Cream and Sugar, a lovely cafe/bakery in walking distance of Oakleigh.
I indulged in a drink I got last year when we stopped by after viewing the houses, the peanut butter conspiracy.
Here's our drinks and yummies!

Peanut butter conspiracy (mocha, peanut butter, and chocolate ice cream blended to perfection), hot chocolate, key lime and almond joy cake balls

Close up of the cake balls! Cream and Sugar is known in Mobile for their cake balls. I quite enjoyed the key lime, but the almond joy didn't really taste like the candy bar. Mostly chocolate and almonds :)

My friend Bonnie had white chocolate and a caramel cake ball! Yum!
After chatting for entirely too long (the shop closed and we didn't know it!) we went to see the candlelight tour of Oakleigh. All the pathways around the house were lit with real candles enclosed using hurricane lamp tops.
Sadly, alot of my photos from the house did not turn out well, but I was able to get one of the Oakleigh docents to pose for a photo. Her dress is gorgeous!

Overall, we had a great day. It wasn't cold like last year's tour. Hopefully we will get to go on this tour next year!
Until next time ^____^
Wow, what a gorgeous quilt this is.