Saturday, April 14, 2012

A little bit of sweetness

Good afternoon! I stitched up this little cake roll a few moments ago while watching episodes of DS. What do you think? I got the idea of using a strawberry on the sides of the roll by the creme swirl from Tammy's tutorial online, but the template comes from another website tutorial.

I think it is a cutie, but I need to work on the creme swirl. It is suppose to be longer, but I got a little bit carried away with the scissors O_o"

In other news, today is my sister's birthday. She had fun going through her presents from our mom and me. She received a Blu-Ray set of The Pacific and Band of Brothers, a Labyrinth t-shirt with the Fiery Gang on it, a Momo plushie (from Avatar), a raccoon tote bag, an iTunes gift card, Starbucks gift card, and an awesome pair of hot pink Converse shoes with blue laces ;)

Last night, she and I celebrated her birthday by going to the Hard Rock casino in Biloxi. We didn't win any money, but we had fun playing a lot of different slots. Our favorite I think was the Ghostbusters one! The seats rattle and the screens are 3-D. Perfect for the appearances of Slimer!

By the end of the night, we stopped by Ben & Jerry's in the casino to get ice cream. We were in line debating between all their different flavors and ways to eat it when a lady in front of us told the cashier that she was picking up our ice creams!


Of course, we protested, but to no avail. She leaned over to my sister and said, "Sometimes you just have to pay it forward."

Wow! How incredibly nice of that lady. She didn't have to buy ice cream for complete strangers, but she did. It was so incredible that we were talking about for at least half of the ride home! My sister and I both agreed that the next time we come by the casino we would do the same ;)

I hope you are enjoying your weekend. Be safe in those areas of the US with bad storms!

Until next time ^____^


  1. Loooove your chocolate cake roll!!
    What the lady did foe you and your sister was so sweet :)

  2. Loooove your chocolate cake roll!!
    What the lady did foe you and your sister was so sweet :)
