Saturday, November 12, 2011

Snail mail surprises!

Hi, everyone! This week I've had an allergy cold courtesy of our lab Sam. I've finally gotten over it with the aid of meds and some rest. I went this morning to the library and the bookstore.

I came home to do some more loads of laundry. I answered the door this afternoon to find a large package from my friend in CA on the porch. I knew she was sending me a tin of cookies, but I wasn't expecting such a large box!

Here are the surprises via snail mail:

Unwrapped packages!

Closeup of autumn ribbon :) I'm keeping it to use for finishes in the future >__<

Unwrapped packages! *squeal* A tinful of cookies, which I transferred to a bowl so you could see them all, an Overwrap (very, very soft and warm!), and baking cups!

OMG! A set of baking cups with a caroling/sleighing bunny and mouse :)

A bowlful of oatmeal chocolate chip cookies!

Closeup of cookie goodness!

The cookies are AMAZING! They have pumpkin pie spice in them, which smells and tastes heavenly!

We tried an experiment with mailing the cookies. I thought maybe if you put an apple slice or two in the tin with the cookies they wouldn't get hard. My friend put two slices on top of the wax paper in the tin before sealing it up. Yes, it kept the cookies from getting hard, but it also soaked into the first layer of cookies! LOL Which wasn't bad, but quite funny. I think maybe the apple slices needed to be in a shallow dish or container so they wouldn't get into the cookies.

Despite all that, they are FANTASTIC! I'll have to steal the recipe :)

Thank you, darling, for the Thanksgiving package of goodies! I'm off to snuggle in the Overwrap, eat some cookies, and look through patterns to cross stitch :)

Until next time ^____^


  1. Yea! The package came earlier that I thought. I am glad you like everything. :) The overwrap can be worn like a poncho so your back in not cold as well. :) I am sorry to hear that the apples leaked through :( I thought the wax paper would contain it. :P The top layer was with peanut butter chips. The bottom two layers were with walnuts. Did the top layer taste ok with the apple flavor?

    Glad that you like your early Xmas gift and the cookies. :)

  2. What a wonderful surprise! The cookies look yummy!
