Saturday, February 28, 2015

How To Raise A Cactuar

While known for their speed and sometimes devastating 1,000 needle attacks, little is known about raising these creatures in garden settings. It is quite possible to raise cactuars on one's own, but it is a tricky endeavour. Here are a few tips to keep in mind when raising these creatures as a hobby.

1) If you are fortunate enough to come upon cactuar seeds amongst the markets and/or rare creature auctions, keep in mind that they will not come cheap. Seeds of this rare variety of cacti will set you back a few thousand gil, but the chance of raising cactuars it well worth it in terms of an engaging experience and a fabulous conversation starter for enthusiasts of rare creatures.

2) Unlike other flora seeds, cactuar seeds need to be planted in clay pots on top of the soil, not underneath. Keep the soil moist so your seeds do not dry out. Cactuar seeds love sunlight so the pot must stay in the sun for as long as possible during the day.

3) Once the cactuar has been established in his clay pot, you must keep all animals or small children away from his abode. Despite being only a small cactuar, he will strike out at any invasion to the area around his clay pot with a 100 needle attack.

4) Before your cactuar becomes full grown, you must transplant your cactuar to any local desert area nearby. Since your cactuar is still regulated to its pot, it does not have the ability to move around and it cannot see behind him. During the night you must take a heavy cloth bag and put it over your cactuar and its pot while it is asleep. You can transport the cactuar during the day by sneaking up behind him, but it is a risk as it can be damaging to yourself and your cactuar.

5) While in the desert transplanting your cactuar, beware of nocturnal enemies. It is advisable to bring along a bounty hunter to keep an eye out for any attacks while you are busy with your cactuar.

6) Dig a shallow hole in the sand and while wearing mythril gloves, carefully take your cactuar out of its clay pot and transfer it to the hole. Cover the cactuar with the sand. Do not be afraid of harming your cactuar as the sand is its natural environment. Nothing else remains to be done and you may return to your home.

I hope you have these tips on raising cactuars helpful. It is quite an enjoyable hobby and it is well worth persuading to impress your colleagues at your next rare creature emporium meeting.

Until next time ^____^

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