Design: Witch House 1642 Salem, MA by Marion Dove Werth
Fabric: 28ct unknown light blue linen
Threads: DMC
Start/Finish: Sometime 2010, restarted and finished 2/7-26/2012
Good afternoon! I've been quite diligent about finishing this design this month. Since I'm waiting on my order of black felt circles for my felties, I decided to spend my time this weekend on the Salem Witch pattern.
I was able to put the finishing backstitches on the lettering at the bottom a few moments ago. As you can tell, the design isn't a large one, just a bit cumbersome with all the same colors over and over again....not to mention the ancient chart it comes from. I'm sure some of you stitchers out there know what I'm talking about when you have an older chart where all the symbols look alike, it makes for hard deciphering when stitching.
I'm so glad to be able to take this sampler off my WIP list on the sidebar! Woohoo!
I hope you are enjoying your weekend.
Until next time ^____^
Good job, you're done! It's pretty. :) Was this a real house that they thought witches lived in?