Sunday, January 10, 2016

Bunny Pattern Progress

Hi, everyone! I hope you guys are having a great weekend of crafting or relaxing. Thank you for all your comments on this bunny design :)

I stitched a bit on my Sampler 4 Saisons pattern on Friday night and yesterday crocheted some more tentacles for an octopus/jellyfish amigurumi that I am making.

I was able to stitch a little bit on my little bunnies this afternoon. I removed the brown thread I was using for the backstitched bunny and initials.

I thought I could search online to see if any ladies or gents used a different color for the initials or bunny, but came up with nothing. I guess I am on my own on picking a new color to stitch those areas again. >~<

I hope this week to finish my little octopus, stitch a bit on my Sampler 4 Saisons pattern, and hopefully finish this bunny pattern :)

Until next time >___<


  1. Good evening, Rachel. Your stitching is so delicate. LOL at your list of "things to do". I have a similar list...and am ever hopeful that I will finish at least one thing on that list every weekend. LOL Have a good evening!

  2. You have already stitched a lot of bunnies on this project. I'm curious to see what other thread color you will come up with. I pulled out mine and will stitch them in spring.
