A copy of the Arlington Edition of Oriental Fairy Tales, translated from the German version by Herder, Liebeskind, and Krummacher. It was published by Hurst & Company in New York circa 1893.
And I received this book from Amazon:

If I'm remembering the newspaper article about this book, Doyle had written short stories for various literary magazines anonymously until he decided to write his first novel in 1883/1884. Having finished writting The Narrative of John Smith, Doyle sent it off to his publishers and unfortunately, it was lost in the mail. Doyle had to re-write the story from memory. With all that trouble, Doyle decided not to publish the manuscript and went on to write the Sherlock Holmes novels and stories.
The British Library decided to publish the work just recently and it was released a few days ago. I can't wait to snuggle in a cozy blanket and read these books. I'll have to put Varney on hold for a bit :)
Until next time ^____^
That's interesting that Oriental fairy tales were first published in German. I wonder how close it would be from the original after being translated twice. Do you know from which countries these fairy tales are from?