Sunday, July 20, 2008

You have what in your yard??

Yes, that was my initial reaction when my mother was outside in the backyard feeding our dog Sam. She looked over into my aunt's yard and come back in the house to get me. Apparently, there were three very large steer in my aunt's backyard. LOL

WOW!! They're so big!!!

Ohio-bred steer!!

I got on the phone and called over to my aunt's house. LOL She wasn't surprised about it at all. My mom and I were wondering why all the dogs around the area were barking! Our dog Sam was barking like a maniac because (to him) they were unknown intruders in my aunt's yard. It was quite funny to see him bark so madly at these huge steer because he is just a 7 month old chocolate lab!! I swear he thinks he's bigger than he really is ;)

You may wonder where the steer came from....our friendly neighbors down the street. They have moved down to Alabama from Ohio. They bought a house in our subdivision, but also bought 28 acres of land right beside their house that wasn't in the subdivision so they can graze their animals. Apparently, they will be bringing more cattle with them once they get the land cleared and ready for grazing. The steer in my aunt's yard had jumped a bit of the fence in her yard that had slumped down because of fallen tree limb.

Well, after seeing the steer in the backyard, I walked down to our neighbor's house. No one was home so my aunt said she didn't mind them being in her yard so we just kept the gate shut while we went to work for the day. By the time we got home, they weren't there....or so we thought. Apparently they had come back through the fence so we all scrambled for our cameras and took some pics of them. We may live in the country, but we don't owe any farmland much less farm animals so we were acting like amused 'city people' on a vacation!!! ^__^"

I went down to the neighbors' house (finally someone was home) to let them know that their steer were in our yard. LOL The owner was very nice and apologetic. My sister and I told him that it really wasn't a big deal. None of us minded the steer being there, but he continued to apologize. He said, "I wondered where they had gone."

He got a fed bucket and came up through my aunt's yard and lead the steer over the fence. It was amazing how fast those steer could be when they saw that bucket of fed. I didn't know that cows could jump, but they did indeed jump over the fence to get out!

Steer and a satellite dish!

The funniest part about the steer was the fact that they were munching on some grass near my aunt's satellite dish and one of them nudged it. LOL She told us that she can get her extra channels now, but not the regular ones on cable. I wonder what she'll tell the cable people when they come to reposition her dish. ^___^

It's quite sad that my uncle is going to have to fix the fence. I quite liked having the company of grazing steer!

Have a great Sunday ;)

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