Saturday, November 15, 2014

November Skoshbox

Hi, everyone! I received my Skoshbox for November earlier in the month and decided to sample it sooner than later as my coworkers and I have just finished an extensive project that we have been working on for six months.......I thought we deserved a fun break and what better way to celebrate than a skoshbox of mystery goodies!

Favorites (in order):
1. Anapanman Caramel Corn (caramel puffed corn snack): These caramel corn snacks have a similar taste to cheese puffs, but with a slight caramel flavor. They are quite good. I am glad they came in a small bag because I can see myself eating entire bags of them!

2. Peach Gummies: Our local Asian markets sell this flavor of gummies. They are yummy!

3. Bourbon Elise Wafer Sticks (Hokkaido milk cream wafer): The flavor in these sticks remind me of the milk candies that you can find at almost any Asian market, but it was a sweeter flavor.

4. Sequoia Wafer Bar (strawberry flavor): Does Kit Kat have a strawberry flavor? If not, these are the perfect treat if you love Kit Kats and want a strawberry substitute ^__^

5. Bisco Matcha Sandwich (wheat cracker with green tea cream): This is so different from the other types of matcha cookies I've tried because they are made with wheat crackers. I love that the green tea is the cream version which balances out the wheat flavor.

Questionable (in order):
1. Furuta Flaky Cream Pie (whipped cream pie snack): Hmm......well, I will say they are flaky snacks because when I tried to break it apart to share with my coworkers, it literally fell apart. The flavor is coconut, which normally I love, but it was an odd combination for this snack.

2. Potapota Yaki Senbei (shoyu rice crackers): These are similar to the rice crackers you see at the supermarket in the Asian section, but they are flavored with soy sauce. Not bad, but not my favorite. But I figure if you love soy sauce, you'll love these.

Dislikes (in order):
1.Vitamin C Lemon candy: Hmm........I'm sure if I would advertise this as 'candy' because they smell and taste just like the vitamin C drops you get at the pharmacy if you are trying to get rid of a cold.

2. One Piece chewing gum: This gum really isn't a 'dislike', but it isn't a favorite or questionable......just plain gum.....sadly I didn't get a lucky sticker.

I wonder what treats we'll experience in December?! Mint flavored snacks? Limited edition Kit Kats or Pocky? Hmmm......anticipation is killer!

Until next time ^____^

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